Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 2 - Atlanta

I woke up with the dawn, at about 6 am, roused the girls, and miraculously, we were on the road by 7. It was another beautiful, clear day. Carol and Amy went back to sleep as we headed down the highway, and I enjoyed the solitude, listening to Enya again, because I like the quietness of it, and just enjoying the ride. The scenery was pretty monotonous, although very pretty, with lots of trees and that vine thing that grows like crazy. We got to Georgia, and it was more of the same. Carol and Amy woke up and we listened to music and comedy clips.

We got to Atlanta at 3 pm Eastern time, I guess the time change was at the Georgia border. I used the GPS to look for a civil war museum, and sure enough, found one. It was called the Cyclorama, which definitely peaked my interest! It is very hard to explain, so check it out on the web www.atlantacyclorama.org. Then we found our hotel, and have been chillin' ever since.

1 comment:

  1. That vine thing is kudzu.
    Well! I definitely will have to stop by the Cyclorama myself one day!!!


A road in the Shenandoah Valley

A road in the Shenandoah Valley
From the internet. I hope to find this kind of beauty